CLO Capsule

Introducing our first curation of European antiques and vintage treasures, uncovered upon romantic wanderings of Parisian streets and inspired strolls through the French countryside. Exclusively sourced in France from antique dealers and bespoke furniture markets, CLO Capsule invites the warmth and excitement of Europe’s iconic design history into your home. 

Introducing our first curation of European antiques and vintage treasures, uncovered upon romantic wanderings of Parisian streets and inspired strolls through the French countryside. Exclusively sourced in France from antique dealers and bespoke furniture markets, CLO Capsule invites the warmth and excitement of Europe’s iconic design history into your home. 





  • Steiner Occasional Chair

    CLO Studios

    $4,900.00 AUD
  • 01 1950s Coat Rack

    CLO Studios

    $1,290.00 AUD
  • 02 1950s Coat Rack

    CLO Studios

    $1,290.00 AUD